My Blog

  • How do I handle my child’s dental emergency?
    With children undergoing developmental dental changes and engaging in rough-and-tumble activities, dental emergencies can sometimes arise. If your child knocks out a tooth or experiences any type of oral discomfort, Read more
  • Anatomy of a Smile Makeover
    A smile makeover is usually a combination of one or more cosmetic dental procedures. To achieve your desired result, the doctor may perform or suggest a variety of options. The Read more
  • The Origins of Valentine's Day
    When we think of Valentine’s Day, we think of cards, flowers, and chocolates. We think of girlfriends celebrating being single together and couples celebrating their relationship. We think of all Read more
  • February is Heart Month
    The American Academy of Periodontology stresses the importance of good oral health since gum disease may be linked to heart disease and stroke. Thus far, no cause-and-effect relationship has been Read more
  • Pediatric Dental Emergency Know-How
    Parents are usually expert at taking care of their children’s injuries. You know how to disinfect a cut, soothe a bump on the head, and apply a bandage faster than Read more
  • What Are Chalky Teeth?
    You’ve always taken care of your child’s smile. You make sure thorough brushing and flossing take place twice a day. You serve foods high in vitamins and minerals and low Read more
  • Most Valuable Dental Treatments
    At Venus Dental, we work to find a dental plan that will work best and most effectively for you. But we’ve found that three treatments tend to be the most Read more
  • Going Green for the New Year
    Does your list of New Year’s resolutions for the coming months include reducing your ecological footprint? If so, let’s ring in the year with some basic—and some innovative—dental ideas to Read more
  • New Year's Day Around the World
    New Year’s Day marks the beginning of the calendar year in most parts of the world. The holiday is celebrated on January 1st of each year. Customs and celebrations vary Read more
  • Electric Toothbrush Innovations
    If you’re happy with your manual toothbrush, read no further. But if you’re looking for more options than “firm,” “medium,” or “soft,” there’s a world of electric toothbrush innovations out Read more
  • Why should I have my child’s wisdom teeth removed?
    The wisdom teeth are the last of the permanent molars to emerge from the gums. This can occur as early as age 17 or as late as 21. Though some Read more
  • ‘Tis the Season—for Healthy Dental Choices!
    It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but if you’re dashing through the snow to an emergency dental appointment, you’re not feeling very jolly. And post-holiday, no Read more
  • Adults Can Get Cavities, Too
    There are some things we just don’t miss about being a kid. Getting grounded? A thing of the past. Curfew? Not happening. Confiscating our cell phones? As if. Cavities? While Read more
  • Thanksgiving
    At Venus Dental, we love to celebrate the holidays with vigor! the doctor would love to share some unique ways of celebrating Thanksgiving from beyond the Maynard, Massachusetts area to Read more
  • Should You Get Dental Veneers?
    Dental veneers are a popular treatment to improve the appearance of your smile. the doctor and our team want to help you understand whether this dental option is right for Read more
  • Common Emergency Care Visits: Toothaches and Abscesses
    You never know when a dental problem may arise. Unfortunately, they don’t necessarily occur during office hours. the doctor can provide you with the proper information and treatment options to Read more

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